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Archiving DICOM data in the cloud

Calculate your storage requirements

With the storage requirements calculator from Telepaxx Medical Data, you can calculate the storage requirements you are likely to need for your DICOM data over the next five years based on just a few details.

Which and how many modalities do you currently have in operation?

Please enter the respective number of modalities as a number.
Computed tomography (CT):
Magnetic resonance therapy (MRT):
X-ray machine (X-Ray):

Further information about the facility

Please provide some additional information about your institution.
How many years have you been archiving image data digitally? (in whole years):
Select the type of facility:

TMD Cloud from Telepaxx Medical Data

Get to know our cloud archive (VNA)

Are you fed up with recurring data migrations and time-consuming server maintenance? 

Then manage your image data efficiently in our cloud-based long-term archive for DICOM data. Among other things, you can benefit from

  • a flexibly expandable storage space
  • use with any PACS, RIS/KIS, the ePA or other software
  • easy integration via standard interfaces
  • a high level of data security through encryption and redundant storage
  • optional additional modules such as a QR code generator or a web-based DICOM viewer

    You have questions?

    Do you have any questions about the storage requirements determined or would you like to receive a web demo of Telepaxx Medical Data's cloud-based long-term archive? Please use the button below to arrange a non-binding information meeting.