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In our glossary you will find important terms from the digital healthcare sector and the management of medical image data.


A data processing agreement (DPA) is a legally required agreement between the controller (e.g. a company) and the processor (e.g. a cloud provider) that regulates the details of data processing in accordance with the data protection regulations of the GDPR.


Cloud computing describes the provision of IT infrastructures and services via the internet. This makes it possible to store, process and access data without having to maintain a separate physical infrastructure, which leads to flexibility and scalability while at the same time being cost-efficient.


DICOM IHE ist ein Standard für den Austausch medizinischer Bilder innerhalb von Gesundheitseinrichtungen. Das Kürzel DICOM IHE steht dabei für „Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine – Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise“


Das Digital-Gesetz DigiG bzw. im vollen Wortlaut das „Gesetz zur Beschleunigung der Digitalisierung des Gesundheitswesens“ ist eine legislative Grundlage, die den digitalen Wandel im deutschen Gesundheitssektor vorantreibt. Es ermöglicht eine Vereinfachung der Integration digitaler Anwendungen, etwa Gesundheits-Apps, in die Gesundheitsversorgung sowie deren Kostenerstattung durch gesetzliche Krankenkassen.


The DigitalRadar is a tool for evaluating and presenting the progress of digitalization projects in the German healthcare sector. It can be used to record the digital maturity level of facilities and provide guidance for strategic decisions.


DLX stands for DICOM Link Exchange and describes a standard for the online provision of image data. The standard defines the framework conditions and minimum requirements for software portal solutions for a data carrier-free transfer of medical content and findings to one or more recipients as a replacement for the patient CD.


The General Data Protection Regulation , or GDPR for short, is an EU-wide regulation for the protection of personal data in the digital sector.


The European Health Data Space (EHDS) is a European Union initiative that aims to improve the exchange of health-related data within the EU in order to optimize healthcare and support research while maintaining the high data protection standards of the GDPR.


The electronic health record (EHR) is a digital tool that enables patient-related health information such as diagnoses, treatment histories or medication plans to be stored and managed centrally and securely. It promotes networking in the healthcare system and supports the efficiency of treatment processes.


FHIR steht für „Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources“ und bezeichnet einen Standard zur elektronischen Übertragung von Gesundheitsdaten.


The Health Data Use Act (GDNG) is a legal framework that regulates the permitted ways of using health data in Germany. The law serves to protect personal health data, but at the same time promotes its use for research and development under strictly defined data protection conditions.


Health Level 7HL7 for short - is an international standard for the exchange of data between applications in the healthcare sector. The HL7 standards are widely used and help to integrate systems within hospitals, e.g. for communicating patient data and service requests or findings.


Das Kürzel HTTPS heißt ausgeschrieben „Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure“ und ist ein Protokoll zur sicheren Datenübertragung im Internet, welches die Kommunikation zwischen Webbrowser und Server verschlüsselt. Dies ist von entscheidender Bedeutung für die Wahrung der Datensicherheit und den Schutz sensibler Informationen im Gesundheitssektor.


The Hospital Future Act (KHZG) helps to promote the digitization and modernization of the hospital landscape in Germany. It provides funding for investments in digital infrastructures, emergency capacities and cyber security in the hospital sector.


Artificial intelligence (AI) is a field of computer science that deals with the creation of systems that have capabilities that would require human intelligence, such as pattern recognition, learning and problem solving. In healthcare, AI can be used to analyze complex amounts of data and thus improve diagnosis, therapy finding and patient care.


A hospital information system (HIS) is a comprehensive software solution for managing all aspects of hospital operations. It contains all the information about a patient and their treatment during their stay in hospital.


Ein Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS) A Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS) is a system for storing and transmitting electronic images in the medical field and for reporting image data.

QR Code

A QR code (Quick Response Code) is a two-dimensional, machine-readable symbol that stores information in the form of black and white patterns. The QR code is used in the healthcare sector to securely transmit medical image data such as CT and MRI examinations. Thanks to two-factor authentication, in which the first factor is the simple retrieval of a complex URL that is unique for each examination, and the second factor, such as the date of birth, which acts as a password, the QR code offers patients and treating physicians secure and fast access to relevant treatment data. This increases data security compared to patient CDs, for example, and makes it easier for patients to access their own data.


Ein Radiologie-Informationsystem A radiology information system (RIS) refers to software solutions for managing radiology data, booking appointments or billing for health insurance services.


Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) oder auf Deutsch „Software-als-Service“ beschreibt ein Software-Nutzungsmodell, bei dem Anwendungen als Service über das Internet bereitgestellt werden. Nutzer greifen auf die Software und deren Funktionen online zu und sparen sich die lokale Installation und Wartung. Hierfür zahlen sie meist eine monatliche Abonnementgebühr.


In Germany, the Radiation Protection Act (StrlSchG) regulates the protection of people and the environment from the harmful effects of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation. In the medical context, it relates in particular to the correct use and monitoring of radiation-based procedures.

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