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QR codes in radiology: what advantages they bring

Fast, simple and data-secure: QR codes are the modern gold standard for exchanging patient image data - between medical facilities as well as between doctors and patients. So why, we ask ourselves, are not all radiological centres using this technology yet? Time to present it in detail.

Technical background: QR codes access cloud files

Many of our customers already use the Telepaxx patient portal. The archiving of image data in the cloud is already included there - and of course the QR code to retrieve it with just one click. As Telepaxx CTO, Tobias Anger regularly hears how this eases the daily workload in radiology departments:

Many of our customers already use the Telepaxx patient portal. The archiving of image data in the cloud is already included there - and of course the QR code to retrieve it with just one click. As Telepaxx CTO, Tobias Anger regularly hears how this eases the daily workload in radiology departments:

"We keep getting feedback that QR codes make digital collaboration between radiologists, referring doctors and patients much easier."

What are QR codes?

QR codes are these small squares that consist of a seemingly random black and white pattern. The cameras of current smartphones or special QR scan apps decode these patterns into specific links. The links lead to a website where you can find further information. The QR code here, for example, takes you to the Telepaxx patient portal website. Scanning it is quicker than typing in a long website address, including a unique access code. QR therefore stands for ‘Quick Response’. In radiology, QR codes enable uncomplicated access to image files such as digital X-rays, CT findings or MRI images.

Benefit 1: Time saving for radiology staff

Not only in radiology practices, but also in hospitals, time-consuming and material-intensive CD burning is no longer necessary. Patients can receive a QR code with the link to their images when they register - including the information that the discharge documents such as the findings are also stored there. This saves time and stress - both for staff and waiting patients.

Benefit 2: Leaner processes

At Telepaxx, we see time and again how radiologists are streamlining their processes by using QR codes. Waiting times are reduced and the number of technical problems decreases - such as defective CD burners in the radiology departments or unreadable CDs at the referring doctor.

Benefit 3: How the ePA can come

QR codes are comparatively easy to integrate into digital systems such as the electronic patient record (EPR). When the ePA becomes mandatory from 2025, QR codes and the data behind them will be a secure way of retrieving image data. This is because the integration of a data-protected web link is as simple and secure as possible.

Benefit 4: Facilitated collaboration with referring physicians

"In our experience, referring physicians are more likely to recommend radiology centres that offer modern and uncomplicated solutions such as the QR code to their patients," says Telepaxx CTO Tobias Anger. This is because the referring practices can use the QR code to gain direct access to their patients' images and findings - without having to have a CD drive or corresponding software for viewing images. This makes collaboration efficient and stress-free.

Benefit 5: Flexibility for the future

QR codes can be flexibly integrated into existing digital processes. Telepaxx offers a cloud-based solution for this that can be seamlessly and easily integrated into the IT structure of any radiology department - in the respective RIS, HIS or PACS as well as in any patient portal or appointment tool such as Doctolib and Co .

How QR codes are developing in radiology

There is still no standard for importing QR codes into common software tools. The AG Informationstechnik in the German Radiological Society AGIT has also recognised this. It has therefore invited various providers of QR code solutions to develop standards in order to further simplify the use of QR codes in practices and hospitals. 

The trade publication kma Online, for example, has reported extensively on this and also interviewed Tobias Anger, a member of the Telepaxx management team. The standard is now well on its way. The first interim goals, such as the technical standardisation of the directory, have already been achieved (as of October 2024).

In a discussion paper on the handling of image data in the ePA, the National Agency for Digital Medicine, gematik, comes to the following conclusion: ‘The use of a cloud-based QR code (as we offer at Telepaxx) to retrieve image data is a perfectly valid option. 

The discussion paper was created together with MIO42 GmbH, a software company that develops standards for the cross-system exchange of health and patient data in collaboration with the German Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KBV). Telepaxx also regularly discusses the development of the technology with MIO42 and other market participants in a working group.

Conclusion: QR codes as pioneers of digitalisation

QR codes offer radiologists a simple, efficient and future-proof solution for managing and sharing medical image data. They save time, reduce technical hurdles and promote collaboration between radiologists and referring practices. 

At Telepaxx, we know that QR codes not only solve current problems, but also prepare our partners for the future challenges of digitalisation.

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