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For healthcare institutions & AI developers

AI Innovation Platform: DICOM data for research and AI training

Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to relieve the burden on medical staff and support them in diagnostics. For AI-based software to function reliably, it must be trained and validated using qualitative data.

This is where Bayer's AI Innovation Platform (AIIP) comes into play and arranges research projects with Telepaxx Medical Data customers, among other partners.

Advantages of a data partnership

Healthcare Institutions

  • Research with internal and external DICOM data
  • Mediation of industrial partners
  • Anonymization of data records for maximum data protection

Researchers & AI developers

  • Partnerships with healthcare institutions
  • High-quality DICOM data from Germany
  • Structured data in a secure development environment


Data archive with over 25 billion DICOM images

As an established partner of hospitals and medical practices, Telepaxx manages over 25 billion DICOM images for its customers.

We can search this data archive in consultation with our clients to find relevant cohorts for research projects.

If you would like to use the previously requested cohorts for a research project or the development of an AI-supported software solution, we will put you in touch with our customers, the data-processing healthcare institution.

Data protection has top priority

Data anonymization according to GDNG and GDPR

In Germany, the Health Data Utilization Act (GDNG) and the GDPR regulate for what purposes and by whom medical data may be further processed and used.

The GDNG has the explicit goal of promoting research with health data in order to promote innovative health products for the further development of healthcare and Germany as a research location.

Further information on the significance of the GDNG can be found here.

Additional information

Picture of Gesundheitsdatennutzungsgesetz
Health Data Utilization Act

The GDNG: What the law means for clinics and researchers.

Picture of Medical Data Science
Medical Data Science

Medical Data Intelligence for Research and Development.

Picture of KI in der Diagnostik
AI in diagnostics

Three concrete application examples that convince doctors.


Telepaxx Medical Data does not offer any data. We offer to arrange data partners for joint research projects.

We archive medical imaging data on behalf of our customers. These are currently mainly computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examinations.

We archive and manage medical data, primarily for hospitals and radiologists in private practice. 

Das von der Bundesregierung Ende 2023 verabschiedete „Gesetz zur Nutzung von Gesundheitsdaten zu gemeinwohlorientierten Forschungszwecken und zur datenbasierten Weiterentwicklung des Gesundheitswesens“ – kurz Gesundheitsdatennutzungsgesetz oder GDNG – regelt, von wem, zu welchen Zwecken, und wie medizinische Daten von gesetzlich Versicherten für Forschung und Entwicklung genutzt werden dürfen.

In §6 GDNG wird die „Weiterverarbeitung von Versorgungsdaten zur Qualitätssicherung, zur Förderung der Patientensicherheit und zu Forschungszwecken“ durch datenverarbeitende Gesundheitseinrichtungen spezifiziert. Dort steht unter anderem, dass datenverarbeitende Gesundheitseinrichtungen die Gesundheitsdaten gesetzlich Versicherter in anonymisierter Form für Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojekte zur Verbesserung der Gesundheitsversorgung nutzen dürfen.

Here you can find the wording of the law.

The completely anonymized data selected for the joint research project is made available in a protected data room on Bayer's AI Innovation Platform, to which only previously defined users are granted access. The data always remains in this data room and cannot be stored locally on individual computers or drives.

There is no general answer to this question. In total, Telepaxx manages over 25 billion DICOM images for hundreds of healthcare facilities. 

Depending on the desired cohort for the research project, we can theoretically provide a few hundred to several thousand images together with our customers after a successful project agreement.

Our image data archive only contains encrypted DICOM data. After consultation with our customers, we can search these using DICOM tags - for example, according to the type of device used to generate the image, the body region examined or whether a contrast agent was used.

In accordance with legal requirements, all personally identifiable data is removed for the use of the data for a joint research project as part of the preliminary anonymization process. Only this anonymized data is shared with the research partners in a protected AIIP data room.

The contract for a joint data-based research project is concluded between you (the data requester), our client (the data-processing healthcare institution) and Telepaxx Medical Data (as the service provider for data preparation).

If the data is to be used as part of a research project, it must be prepared in order to meet the legal requirements. A service fee is charged for this data preparation and provision in a protected data room. The amount depends on the amount of work involved.

You may only use the DICOM data during the time frame agreed with the data-processing healthcare facility in the project contract. Any use beyond this is prohibited and will have legal consequences.

You may only use the DICOM data for the purposes agreed with the data-processing healthcare facility in the project contract. Any other use is prohibited and will have legal consequences.

Start data project

Would you like to find out whether we can find a suitable partner for a research or AI project? Then send us your request using the button below. We will get back to you as soon as possible.