Do you know your storage requirements for DICOM data? Simply calculate it here:


TMD Cloud: Smart image management for your radiology practice.

With the TMD Cloud, you can make your image data management more efficient than ever: image retrieval in seconds, no more patient CDs, no more IT hurdles. 

Instead, a software-as-a-service solution that works and takes the pressure off your practice.


Image archiving in the cloud and access with any practice software.


For example, by using QR codes instead of patient CDs for image transmission.

Data security

GDPR-compliant storage in the cloud with protection against system failures.


Modular software, can be used for image archiving, CD replacement and remote diagnosis.


Minimal IT effort thanks to scalable software as a service

As a practice owner, you are aware of the effort involved in operating your own image data archive. The cloud-based long-term archive (VNA) of the TMD Cloud offers you a simple solution:

  • Scalable: whether you want to archive 5 or over 50 gigabytes
  • Little hardware: saves investment costs and IT maintenance
  • Predictable costs: monthly billing as software as a service (SaaS)
  • Product support: Our local support team will help you with any questions you may have

With the TMD Cloud, you reduce hardware storage costs, eliminate the need for recurring data migrations and have lower IT maintenance costs. At the same time, you remain flexible when selecting additional practice software. bei der Auswahl weiterer Praxissoftware.


GDPR-compliant and redundant storage of DICOM images

As a radiologist, you are aware that a breach of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) can be punished with heavy fines. Secure handling of DICOM data is therefore essential. The TMD Cloud supports you in this by, among other things:

  • End-to-end encryption: DICOM data is encrypted and processed in the cloud via secure connections
  • Regular backups: storing DICOM images in multiple data centers increases data security and integrity

This not only meets the requirements of the GDPR for the protection of patient data, but also, for example, the Radiation Protection Act and the new EU Directive NIS-2.


Protected image access for patients and referring physicians - simply via the Internet

The patient portal of the TMD Cloud makes life easier for patients, referring physicians and your MTRAs:

  • Simple image transfer: using a standardized QR code instead of a patient CD
  • Direct access: retrieve CT, MRI images and more via any digital device
  • Digital archiving: protected online storage of DICOM images in the cloud
  • Standardized format: Download in DLX format facilitates further processing

Improve your internal processes, the patient journey and networking with other facilities with our QR code solution.


Optimize your processes while retaining your RIS and PACS

Our TMD Cloud solutions integrate effortlessly into your existing practice software:

  • Compatibility: Works with any RIS, PACS and the EHR
  • Integration: Simple commissioning in just a few weeks
  • Data archive: Convenient migration of your existing data to the central cloud archive
  • Modular: If required, you can book additional cloud functions at any time

With the TMD Cloud, you benefit from rapid integration thanks to our professional project and support team, which provides assistance during implementation and remains at your side as a competent point of contact afterwards.

What radiologists say about the TMD Cloud

“Before using the TMD Cloud, the provision of image series was sometimes significantly delayed. All processes that have to do with image data have been extremely accelerated. Retrieving and transmitting images is much more convenient than before.”

Dr. med. Peter Pickel, specialist doctor in diagnostic radiology, Rheinish Radiology Cologne-Suelz

Further information

Applications of the TMD Cloud in radiology


Der Umstieg auf die TMD Cloud lohnt sich besonders, um alle Praxisabläufe, die mit Bilddaten zusammenhängen, zu optimieren. Dadurch entlasten Sie  das Personal in Ihrer Praxis und reduzieren Aufwände z.B. für die IT-Wartung. 

The cloud optimizes the process of image data management by providing a central and reliable archiving of DICOM data based on modern Internet technologies.

Access to this data is therefore faster - both internally in your practice, but also in the case of cross-location access if you operate several practices. At the same time, the TMD Cloud improves collaboration with referring doctors, who you can give digital and secure access to the images you generate via standardized QR codes.

With the TMD Cloud, you can work more efficiently in your practice and concentrate on patient care without having to worry about the IT infrastructure.

The monthly costs for the TMD Cloud depend on volume and function:

  1. Data volume: Size of your existing image archive (inventory data) and the amount of new image data generated each year

  2. Functionalities: In addition to the cloud archive, you can book further software modules such as a QR code solution, digital dose management or a cloud viewer.

To help you make an initial assessment, we offer you our storage requirements calculator. With this calculator, you can calculate your current archived data volume and the amount of new data added each year with just a few entries. If you wish, you can send us this information via the contact form and we will provide you with a non-binding offer tailored to your requirements.

All TMD Cloud software modules offer excellent protection for your DICOM data thanks to various technical measures such as encrypted data communication, user management and multiple data storage in different data centers in Germany.

GDPR compliance is a matter of course for us. We ensure that all patient data is processed and stored in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation. Our platform provides detailed logs and evidence of data processing in order to meet the high requirements for handling health data in the cloud.

Should your on-site systems fail or be compromised by a cyber attack - for example the PACS - your image data can be restored from the cloud in the shortest possible time thanks to redundant data storage.

The TMD Cloud offers a scalable solution that allows you to quickly and easily add additional storage space as soon as you generate more data, for example due to more modern modalities or the acquisition of additional practice locations. All it takes is a quick call to us; no data migrations or additional servers are required.

Our cloud software for archiving DICOM data is designed to grow with your requirements - whether it's more extensive data archiving or additional functionalities. If you do not know what your current storage volume of image data is and how it will develop in the coming years, you are welcome to use our storage requirements calculator.

With the TMD Cloud and its modular functions, you can ensure that your data archive remains future-proof in the long term and adapts to the growth of your practice. This flexibility helps you to optimize processes and costs and manage data in a software-neutral way in the long term.

Implementing the TMD Cloud in your practice is straightforward and quick. Image data is transferred from your PACS or RIS system to the cloud and vice versa via a standardized data interface.

Most of the work involved in introducing the TMD Cloud is carried out by our project and support team. As a rule, you can archive and access new image data in the cloud within a few weeks of signing the contract.

Our team will also support you in migrating your existing legacy data to the cloud, with minimal effort for your IT department. We ensure that the transition runs smoothly and that existing data can be accessed from the cloud as quickly as possible. We work with you to develop a migration plan for this.

As Software-as-a-Service, the TMD Cloud is not only ready for use in your practice in the short term, but also supports you in the long term.

Our support team is at your side for the entire duration of the contract and helps you, among other things, to ensure that the software you have booked with us is always up to date. For example, we take care of all software-related security updates and measures. You only have to take care of minor IT work at the hub in your practice.

With our cloud-based software solution, you also automatically benefit from regular updates and new functions that are automatically available to you from the cloud without any additional installation. Updates on individual workstations or workstations are therefore no longer necessary.

The TMD Cloud can replace traditional local archive servers, CDs for image data transport and even manufacturer-specific PACS systems - according to your needs.

Discover the versatile application possibilities of the TMD Cloud on our solutions page.

The TMD Cloud is suitable for all healthcare facilities of any size - from small radiology facilities with a total data volume of 500 gigabytes to large hospitals with more than 1 petabyte of data.

Ihre flexible Skalierbarkeit erlaubt es, Speicher- und Funktionsumfang jederzeit den wachsenden Anforderungen Ihrer Praxis anzupassen.

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) means that the software is not operated locally on your own technical infrastructure, but is provided externally by a service provider via Internet-based communication protocols (https).

Die Vorteile von SaaS für Sie als Nutzer: Sie benötigen keine eigene Hardware oder aufwendige IT-Ressourcen  für den Betrieb der Software. Zudem werden die Wartung, Updates und Sicherheitsmaßnahmen vollständig von uns als Dienstleister übernommen. Das macht die Lösung kosteneffizient und einfach nutzbar.

Cloud or cloud computing describes the provision of IT infrastructures and services via the internet. This makes it possible to store, process and access data without having to maintain your own physical infrastructure, which leads to flexibility and scalability while at the same time being cost-efficient.


Use the cloud to your advantage

Discover the possibilities and potential of the TMD Cloud for your radiology practice. Arrange a meeting with us, including a web demo, to see for yourself.