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Digital long-term archiving of medical image data and patient records

Audit-proof. Data-protected. Flexible. Independent of individual software tools.

This is the digital long-term archive of the TMD Cloud from Telepaxx, the experts in innovative medical image data management.

Vendor Neutral Archiving

Our digital long-term archiving is compatible with all PACS, RIS/HIS and other practice software thanks to Vendor Neutral Archiving (VNA).

Flexibly scalable

Scale your digital long-term archive for DICOM image data easily and avoid unnecessary duplicate data storage in various archives.

Audit-proof long-term archiving

Store medical images with us in an audit-proof manner in accordance with the statutory retention obligations of up to 30 years.

Less IT admin

Sparen Sie sich im Vergleich zum Festplatten-Archiv den Hardwarespeicher und dessen aufwändige Wartung. Berechnen Sie hier Ihren Speicherbedarf.

Maximum data security

We store DICOM images redundantly several times - to protect against hard disk crashes and unauthorized access.

Integrated web viewer

The associated TMD Cloud Portal with web viewer allows you to view images from any location - even from home.

On-premises vs. cloud archive: is the switch worth it?

Clearly! Our digital cloud archive is more secure, requires less maintenance and is more flexible than archiving on managed storage archives.

Mit unserem Vendor Neutral Archive als Software-as-a-Service-Lösung speichern Sie Röntgenbilder, CT- und MRT-Aufnahmen ohne Aufwand: Um Wartung, Updates und Sicherheit kümmert sich Telepaxx als Ihr spezialisierter Partner.

Find out all about cloud vs. on-premises for the healthcare industry.

Speicherbedarf einfach kalkulieren: Unser Rechner

Sie sind unsicher, wie groß Ihre aktuelle Datenmenge ist und wieviel Speicherkapazität Sie für Ihr DICOM-Archiv benötigen? 

Mit unserem Rechner, finden Sie das einfach heraus. Geben Sie einfach die Anzahl der eingesetzten Modalitäten ein, Ihre Einrichtungsart und wie lange Sie bereits DICOM-Bilder digital archivieren.


Ist es sicher, Medizindaten in der Cloud zu speichern? ​

Ja! In der Regel sicherer als auf klinik- oder praxiseigenen Festplattenarchiven.   

1. Schutz vor technischen Ausfällen: Ob Stromausfall, Wasserschaden oder Einbruch – Daten in der Cloud-Langzeitarchivierung sind dagegen abgesichert!

2. Strenge Sicherheitskriterien: Wir schützen Ihr digitales Langzeitarchiv u.a. durch

  • Rights-based access control
  • Multiple encryption
  • Triple redundant storage

3. Zusätzliches Daten-Backup: Erstellen Sie ein Backup Ihres lokalen PACS-Archivs und stellen Sie Daten bei Bedarf mit einem Klick wieder her. 

Are patient files and images archived in accordance with the law?

Naturally! With the cloud archive for medical image data from Telepaxx, practices and clinics fulfill the legal retention periods according to the Radiation Protection Act (§85) and the professional code of conduct for doctors working in Germany (§10 para. 3):

  • Audit-proof archiving for 10 years or up to 30 years after the end of treatment
  • Data available digitally at any time 
  • Data protection through comprehensive security architecture
  • Lossless compression methods
  • Secure, durable storage media

We do not want to change our PACS. Can we still use the Telepaxx long-term archive?

Ausdrücklich ja! Unser digitales  Langzeitarchiv ist als herstellerunabhängiges Cloud-Archiv konzipiert – Stichwort Vendor Neutral Archiving, kurz VNA.

Thanks to standard interfaces such as FHIR, our cloud archive can be easily integrated with all common PACS, RIS/HIS and other practice software. Without the need for a lengthy IT project.

This allows you to create an independent DICOM archive and retain data sovereignty.

These customers trust in our digital long-term archive

Asklepios Kliniken
radiomed Wiesbaden - Gemeinschaftspraxis für Radiologie und Nuklearmedizin
Erlangen University Hospital
Gesundheitsvorsorge (GVS)

FAQ about the long-term archive

Telepaxx Medical Data encrypts all image data and diagnostic data before archiving it in the TMD Cloud. The keys are managed separately. This ensures the highest level of data security and is absolutely data protection compliant.

The DICOM archive of the TMD Cloud can be used with any PACS via standard interfaces. All we need is a DICOM interface to your PACS provider.

We have already integrated over 30 PACS from the following providers with our long-term archive:

  • Agfa
  • Dedalus
  • Digithurst
  • Fujifilm
  • GE Healthcare
  • Heidelberger Engineering / HEYEX
  • Infinitt
  • Medavis
  • Medical Communication
  • Medigration
  • Nexus / Chili
  • Nexus / E&L
  • Philips
  • Sectra
  • Siemens Healthineers
  • Synedra
  • Visage
  • Visus
  • Zeiss

and further PACS

All cloud-based solutions from Telepaxx function in a vendor-neutral manner - including the long-term archive. This means that it does not matter which modality, PACS or viewer you are currently using or would like to use in the future: Our vendor neutral archive is compatible with it, and a change of manufacturer is possible at any time, simply and without complications. If required, you will receive additional assistance from our own support team based in Germany.

The Telepaxx image data archive is suitable for all healthcare facilities - regardless of whether the total data volume is 500 gigabytes or more than 1 petabyte.

We would be happy to advise you based on your individual data volumes. Simply send us a brief request.

In addition to the fact that you can manage and use your DICOM data independently of individual software applications and the flexible scalability, you can expand the Telepaxx cloud archive modularly and thus digitize additional workflows.

Other optionally bookable modules of the digital long-term archive are

  1. Extension to a patient portal via a QR code module for easy digital sharing of DICOM data with patients and referring physicians as a replacement for patient CDs
  2. Dose management software for automatic, digital documentation of radiation doses in accordance with the German Radiation Protection Act.
  3. Expansion to a cloud PACS with medical viewer for location- and workstation-independent diagnosis of DICOM images
  4. Easy integration of AI software for diagnostic support in radiological diagnostics.

The monthly costs for the DICOM archive depend on various factors, such as the total volume of data, the volume of new data generated each year and the additional modules you require, such as a QR code solution, digital dose management or a medical viewer.

Contact us and we will be happy to provide you with a non-binding offer based on your individual requirements.

Mit unserem neuen DICOM-Archiv-Rechner können Sie mühelos Ihren individuellen Speicherplatz für Ihre Bilddaten ermitteln. Geben Sie die Anzahl der Modalitäten und Informationen zur Größe ihrer Einrichtung an und erhalten Sie eine Schätzung Ihres Speicherbedarf für die nächsten fünf Jahre. 

The data is accessed by connecting a server located at your facility (on-premises) to the Telepaxx Medical Data Cloud (TMD Cloud). In the event of a data request, the encrypted health data is sent to your PACS or the respective workstation via the on-premise server in just a few seconds.

Cloud archiving of your diagnostic medical data makes it available to you in the shortest possible time. Dual data storage at different server locations in Europe ensures that your data is archived reliably and audit-proof.

When working with Telepaxx, you need an on-premises server at your facility. This is either provided by you (physically or virtually) or by Telepaxx Medical Data. Additional servers for long-term data storage in your facility are not required. This means you need less space and your maintenance effort is minimized.

The vendor neutral archive from Telepaxx follows the concept of multi-content archiving. This means that in addition to DICOM data, you can also archive documents in accordance with IHE and XDS in an audit-proof manner. If you would like to store other data formats, please contact us - this is technically feasible in any case.

More solutions from Telepaxx

Erfahren Sie mehr zum cloud-basierten Langzeitarchiv der TMD Cloud.

Gerne informieren wir Sie persönlich in einem kurzen Online-Meeting zur digitalen Langzeitarchivierung von DICOM-Daten in der TMD Cloud.